Dear popped by on Sunday night to return a calculator that my brother needed, and as I was hungry, we decided to go for supper. We'd actually wanted to go to MacDonald's, but found it closed, then to Punggol for nasi lemak. But en route, we saw Xin Wang HK Cafe, which loudly proclaimed "24hrs" (it was about 12+am then), and it looked interesting, so we decided to give it a try.
Teh "kau" Ice - essentially more concentrated Teh Peng ($1.50). I thought it was nice, just the right touch of sweetness and thickness of the Teh Peng - even with the ice, it didn't taste dilute in the least. The cute little mugs are a plus too. Actually, they aren't that little. It hold ALOT of liquid. I was very bloated at the end of supper after drinking it.
One of their speciality must-tries: Cheese-baked spaghetti with pork chop ($8.90). It sounded good, and we figured there must be a reason it's called a must-try, so we ordered it. WOW... It came as it looks in the picture, entirely covered with hot, melted cheese. Piercing into the crust, it was steaming hot. I swear, just the spaghetti with the cheese was enough for us already ^_^ Halfway through, we came to the pork chop, and while it was tender, it honestly wasn't the main focus of the dish, for either of us. What amazed us was that the spaghetti remained steaming hot throughout. Literally. We could see the steam!! ^_^
A breakfast-y ham, eggs and beans with toast ($7.50). Everything was pretty standard I think, but definitely generous in terms of serving, which is a plus :P The slices of toast were thick slabs! The only thing we didn't like was the sweet sauce they drizzled over the eggs.
Verdict: To quote Robyn, we were pretty much reduced to "waddlage" (the state of waddling due to being too full). Despite the bad reviews I've read on forums while doing this post, I would say that it was way better than we'd expected :) We'll definitely be going back again! :D
P/s, it's only 24hours on Fridays and Saturdays. It's open on Sundays till 2am. The rest of the weekdays I'm not too sure.
Pp/s We're not too sure about the prices apart from the spaghetti. This is as best as we can remember, so if it differs from reality, we apologise!
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